In this section per game clarifications will be posted as well as the English rules in case these are not provided with the game.

Rules download section

English Rules – Download Link

Tournament Schedule

Registration09:00 – 09:45
Welcome Speech10:00
Start first game10:15
Start Award Ceremony~ 18:00 / 19:00
End of Event~ 19:00 / 20:00
(All times are tentative and may be subject to change!)

Time per Game

Games are played in the following order. The mandatory maximum playing times per game are:

Cascadia70 min.
Kutná Hora – the City of Silver140 min.
Port Royal – The Dice Game70 min.
The White Castle100 min.

Board Game Timer

In order to keep the playing times of the games within normal limits, we are planning to introduce time limits on the playing time per player per game this year wherever necessary.

Please expect that during the tournament for individual games the app Board Game Timer will be used. It will measure the playing time per player for the entire game.

A special thanks to our partner Mads Purup, the developer of the app, who has extended it for us, kept it free of charge and also ported it to Android. Please give him good reviews in the App Store/Google Play if you like the app and recommend it to other players.

The timer app can be used either at all tables for the entire game, or after the referee’s decision for the remaining game time at tables where an overlong game appears.

The use of the timer app is explicitly not aimed at forcing particularly fast play. Accordingly, the time limits will be such that no one should be in danger of hitting a time limit during normal fast play.

Each team is required to bring two mobile devices to the tournament with the app installed, fully charged and in flight mode.

Please install the app on your devices and familiarize yourself with it in case it is used in the tournament.
The App will be started in mode “Count Up”. Time limits will be communicated by the referees.


  • Change to “Setup – 3”: One of each Wildlife Token is placed in the bag. The Wildlife Tokens are then drawn blind in turn. For the first Wildlife Token drawn use the corresponding Wildlife Scoring Card with the letter B for the game, for the second Wildlife Token use the Wildlife Scoring Card with the letter C and for the third Wildlife Token use the Wildlife Scoring Card with the letter D. A random Wildlife Scoring Card is drawn for each of the last two Wildlife Tokens.
  • Explanation of “Setup – 7”: There is no limit to the number of Nature Tokens available.
  • Change to “Turn Summary”: If there is overpopulation or if the player uses a Nature Token to wipe Wildlife Tokens, the Wildlife Token are first set aside and then new Wildlife Token are drawn. The Wildlife Token set aside are placed in the bag immediately afterwards, before overpopulation is tested again or further Nature Tokens are used.
  • Explanation of “Scoring cards”:
    • Bears: A group of bears that is larger than the largest group on the scoring card does not score any victory points in the bear scoring. It can also not be divided into smaller groups for scoring.
    • Salmon:
      • A group of salmon is a run if each salmon has a maximum of two salmon as neighbors and no other salmon is adjacent to the group.
      • A group of 3 salmon in a triangular shape is considered a run – each salmon has exactly two neighbors. The same applies to groups of salmon in a ring shape. Each additional salmon that is connected to such a salmon run causes it to no longer be a run.
    • English “Scoring cards”: In some translations the rules printed on the bottom of the scoring cards differ from the English version. Please make sure, you are familiar with the English versions of the cards which will be used at the tournament! The cards can be found here:

Kutná Hora – the City of Silver

Explanation to “Setup”:

  • Regular guild setup according to the rules is used. The “For your first game” guild setup is ignored.
  • Event Cards Setup: No Event Cards will be used.

Clarification on “Prices”: It is not allowed to look at future cards of the population or the ore deck.

Clarification to “Game play”: Played action cards remain publicly visible in front of the player until the end of the round.

Clarification to “Scoring Points”: Players can fall below zero points.

Port Royal – The Dice Game

[Change to “Chapter 1”: The island with “Sailor 2” is supposed to have 2 spaces, not just one. So when playing, please just add a second circle by hand.]

Determination: Chapter 4 will be played.

Change to “Setup – 1”: Due to availability restrictions the game will be played on a German version of the chapter 4 map.
Find the German map here: Port Royal - The Dice Game - Chapter 4 - German (154 Downloads )

Change to “Setup – 7”: Setup step 7 will be skipped. No player chooses an island, nobody crosses out spaces.

Clarification to “Game play – Ship Wheels”: The number of steering wheels of one color that a player can receive is limited to six.

Clarification to “Game play – Skulls”: If you encounter a skull you have to immediately cross off a skull.

  • Discover: If you fail at discovering, you first take the skull and then use the crosses.
  • Player’s choice: Skulls on the ship’s field are obtained when the ship is taken away before crossing out spaces.
  • Cross off spaces: Skulls on sea routes are ‘route costs’ and must be paid immediately when traveling over them.

Change to “Victory Points”: We do keep track of victory points above 20 and below -5.

Clarification to “Game play – Blue ship wheel”: After each dice roll, the active player may use exactly 1 blue ship wheel to repeat the roll once. However, he must then accept the reroll and deal with it. If the active player then decide to roll the dice again, he may use exactly 1 blue steering wheel again and must accept and deal with the re-roll – and so on.

Change to “End of game”: As soon as a player has reached 20 or more victory points, play continues until the end of the turn of the player on seat 4 (player 4 active, other players passive). The game then ends.
The winner is the player with the most victory points. There is no further tie-breaker.
The game is played without Sudden Death.

Explanations for “People”:

  • Señorita: You may only cross off spaces that are next to spaces that have already been crossed off. Spaces filled by the Señorita do not entitle the player to cross off neighboring spaces.
  • Gunner: The gunner’s ability is immediately available.
  • Captain: The captain may also choose a green ship wheel. This is not circled, but crossed off immediately.
  • Clerk: The clerk also gives you a bonus for steering wheels that you receive from the captain.

The White Castle

Addition to “Castle Setup – 4”: All tiles are drawn from a bag provided by the organization.

Clarification to “A Player’s Turn – Procedure for using the dice”: Steps “2 – Place die”, “3 – Gain Latern Reward”, “4 – Carry out actions” have to be followed in the given order. The Latern Reward can therefore not be moved before the cost of placing a die has been paid or after the actions have been carried out.

Clarification to “A Player’s Turn – Procedure for using the dice “: Only if a physical die is placed it may be necessary to pay or gain coins. E.g. you don’t get or pay coins for a personal domain action or well action triggered through an icon.

Clarification to “The Grounds Areas – The Castle”:

  • The actions to be performed are determined at the time the die is placed in the castle. A second action still remains the same even if the first action changes the action card via “Courtier – Social Climbing”.
  • If you gain an additional bonus action during performing the first action this bonus action is considered to be part of the first action and it has to be completed before performing the second action.

Clarification to “Sending Clan Members to the Court of Himeji – Courtier”: The two actions “Request an audience” and “Social Climbing” can be carried out in any order.

Clarification to “The passage of Time track”: If the influence marker is not moved then it also doesn’t change its position in the token stack.

Clarification to “End of Round – Gardens”: At the end of a round only those Gardeners are activated, that were in the Gardens at the start of the end of round phase (and their corresponding bridge has at leaste one die on it).
Gardeners placed during that phase only provide the normal Gardener action but not the end-of-round activation.

Change to “Appendix – Perform a Personal Domain action”:

Perform a Personal Domain action, as if you had placed a die of value 6 in one of your 3 die spaces. You cannot use this icon twice to trigger the exact same line more than once in a single turn (see page 8).
Remark: There is a way to trigger one line twice in the same turn – via a die and then once via this icon.
The restriction only applies to that particular icon.

Rule Question

If there are any open rule questions or proposals. Please feel free to ask them here:

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